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Benefits of the Mediterranean Diet

Benefits of the Mediterranean Diet

When it comes to weight loss, there’s a huge number of diet plans claiming to help. However, very few are considered as healthy and nutritious as the Mediterranean diet.

Not only is the Mediterranean diet packed full of nutritious goodness, but it also tastes good too. You won’t feel like you’re depriving yourself and your body will be getting everything it needs to stay healthy. So, it’s much more of a lifestyle change really than an actual diet.

To help you decide whether this is the right type of diet to suit you, below we’ll look at the benefits.

Helping to keep the heart healthy

The biggest benefit that’s been backed up by research, is the fact that the Mediterranean diet drastically reduces the risk of heart disease. It contains plenty of essential oils and fats that the heart needs to stay healthy.

Its effectiveness at helping to fight off disease is one of the main reasons many scientists and experts recommend it.

Keeps you feeling and looking younger

Nobody wants to deal with the signs of aging and thanks to the nutrients supplied by the Mediterranean diet, you may not need to for a long time!

Following this type of diet is known to help seniors prevent muscle weakness by a staggering 70%. It also significantly reduces the likelihood of you developing Alzheimer’s. It does this by improving your blood sugar levels, along with cholesterol levels; both of which are linked to Alzheimer’s.

Perhaps what’s most interesting about this type of diet, is the fact it is also said to reduce the risk of death by an impressive 20%. So, if you’re looking to live longer, this is the diet for you.

You can drink wine!

How many diets do you know that allow you to drink red wine? The majority of diet plans don’t allow you to drink any alcohol so the fact you get to enjoy a little red wine on this one is a fantastic benefit.

Now, that doesn’t mean you can sit there drinking half a bottle of wine in one sitting! Instead, you should aim to drink one glass of red wine a day. If you drink more than two, it can actually have really negative effects on your health.

Overall, it isn’t hard to see why the Mediterranean diet is commonly recommended. It’s packed full of impressive health benefits and what’s more – it doesn’t feel like you’re actually on a diet. So, this increases the chances of you sticking to it.