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Flexeril-Recreational Drug Or A Narcotic With Severe Side Effects?

Flexeril-Recreational Drug Or A Narcotic With Severe Side Effects?

Women who wish to become pregnant should discuss the potential interactions of the prescription with their doctor. Cyclobenzaprine is believed to act on gamma and alpha neurons flexeril.live and their firing, to reduce muscle tension or spasms. It has also been reported that higher doses of Flexeril can cause severe health problems and one of them is depression.

Don’t delay seeking support if you suspect somebody has taken a large quantity of the drug. An increased tolerance increases the chances of experiencing a Flexeril overdose. Much like most prescription drugs, abusing Flexeril can quickly turn into a fully-fledged addiction.

4 Potentially Lethal Drug Combinations – TIME

4 Potentially Lethal Drug Combinations.

Posted: Thu, 08 May 2014 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Peoplewho struggle with polydrug abuse issues may use cyclobenzaprine to get high or to enhance the high from other substances. This is a very dangerous practice that can quickly lead to addiction or overdose. It is important to get help overcoming substance abuse with the help of a hospital based detox program. With the right help, individuals can leave cyclobenzaprine abuse in the past and move toward a more balanced life in recovery. Flexeril is not a harmful prescription but it does have severe health effects if it is continually used for longer periods. While cardiac arrest and heart attack are less common side effects, they are not impossible to happen.

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Polydrug abuse can cause serious harm, especially when the combination includes CNS depressing substances such as benzodiazepines and alcohol. If you or a loved one is exhibiting one or more of these signs of cyclobenzaprine addiction, it might be time to consider professional support. A medical detox can help people with a cyclobenzaprine addiction safely undergo withdrawal in a clinically supervised setting. This is an important step in the process that can last up to 2 weeks after stopping cyclobenzaprine usage.

Counseling provides people with an opportunity to discover their triggers, as well as to learn and use alternative coping skills. It’s necessary to take cyclobenzaprine exactly as directed by your doctor to ensure safe usage. Choosing recovery close to home means your support system is just a few miles away. Anybody can develop a Flexeril addiction, but there are some factors that make certain individuals more susceptible to developing a problem. According to data going back to the early 2000s, the trajectory of emergency department visits at the hands of cyclobenzaprine is on the rise. In 2010, it was estimated that there were around 12,411 emergency room visits linked to cyclobenzaprine.

  • A person should ask their doctor whether it is safe to combine another medication with cyclobenzaprine and take care not to operate any machinery while taking it.
  • The DEA found that nearly 25 million prescriptions were given out for cyclobenzaprine, the active ingredient in Flexeril.
  • The Flexeril high itself isn’t typically as euphoric as with some other central nervous system (CNS) depressants, such as benzodiazepines.
  • Check the labels on all your medicines (such as allergy or cough-and-cold products) because they may contain ingredients that cause drowsiness.
  • If that person is awake, they will still look drunk, wasted, confused, and have trouble maintaining their balance.

The reason for this is because cyclobenzaprine intensifies the effects of other CNS depressants, such as alcohol, barbiturates, benzodiazepines, and opioids. This is a drug that isn’t usually considered one of the more common drugs people need to recover from. However, overcoming any addiction can be an incredibly trying process. So, please don’t discount the need for professional treatment if you’re addicted to Flexeril. If you attempt to quit using it on your own, you put yourself at risk for an overdose. This is often why people will be admitted into an addiction treatment clinic for Flexeril withdrawal.


One of the more common effects of the Flexeril high is drowsiness. The dangers of taking more than prescribed are much greater than the reward of abusing it. Flexeril is prescribed to treat short-term pain and discomfort that stems from muscle injuries, including strains, sprains, and spasms. The medication helps control the muscle spasms that result in pain. Typically, a doctor will prescribe Flexeril as part of a treatment plan that also includes rest and physical therapy.

Muscle spasm, local pain and tenderness, limitation of motion, and restriction in activities of daily living were evaluated. In three of these studies there was a significantly greater improvement with FLEXERIL than with diazepam, while in the other studies the improvement following both treatments was comparable. Based on the findings, FLEXERIL should be used with caution in subjects with mild hepatic impairment starting with the 5 mg dose and titrating slowly upward. Due to the lack of data in subjects with more severe hepatic insufficiency, the use of FLEXERIL in subjects with moderate to severe impairment is not recommended. For most patients, the recommended dose of FLEXERIL is 5 mg three times a day.

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Flexeril with a Fattie: How Does Cannabis Interact with Prescription ….

Posted: Wed, 14 Feb 2018 08:00:00 GMT [source]

As a result, they may be more likely to physically hurt themselves while abusing cyclobenzaprine and alcohol. It’s not advised to drink alcohol at all while they’re being treated with Flexeril. People that combine Flexeril and alcohol also may not think properly and are more susceptible to making bad choices. Operating a vehicle while intoxicated, walking through a bad part of town, and other risks to physical harm may end up being more likely when abusing Flexeril and alcohol.

Dr. Bishop is also a certified open water scuba diver, he enjoys fishing, traveling, and hunting. Do not allow COVID-19 to stop you from seeking the care you need. We are here to answer your questions and alleviate any concerns.