Having high blood pressure can cause a lot of problems in your body. It is one of the main reasons for stroke, kidney problems and heart attacks. That is why it is very important to keep your blood pressure at a normal rate. If it’s high then it’s important to learn how to lower it safely and without medications if possible.
Blood pressure readings have two components. During a check-up, you will hear two numbers, like 120 over 80 or 160 over 100. The first number is the systolic blood pressure while the second is the diastolic blood pressure.
- The systolic blood pressure or the top number refers to the pressure in the arteries (the vessels that carry oxygen-rich blood from heart to the tissues) whenever the heart is contracting.
- Diastolic blood pressure or the bottom number refers to the pressure in the arteries whenever the heart is at rest.
Ideally, one’s systolic blood pressure should be 130 mmHg and below while the diastolic blood pressure should be 90 mmHg and below. Now why does blood pressure shoot up? There are actually many reasons but one of the most common is that they get clogged up by fats, making the passageway for blood smaller. Also, as people age, their arteries lose their elasticity. For this reason their stiffened arteries cannot adjust to the changing pressures of the pumping heart. With this in mind, here are a few tips to help lower high blood pressure without using medication.
Control Fat and Cholesterol Intake
With normal cholesterol levels, fats won’t build up and clog up the arteries. Switch to a healthier diet and cut off processed meats and fast foods. Also stock up on foods that are high HDL or “good” cholesterol such as olive oil. In addition, eat at least one serving of fatty fish per week. Eating fish like fresh salmon or tuna are high in omega three that will protect your heart and vessels. Studies have shown that following a healthy diet can cause a 20 mmHg drop in high blood pressures.
Keep Your Sugar Within Normal Levels
Excess sugar can be converted into fats and cause a lot of problems. Furthermore, it can lead to diabetes and high blood pressure can stem from there. Foods high in sugar include cakes, sweetened fruits juices and sodas.
Decrease Your Salt Intake
Aside from clogged arteries, too much fluid in the body can also cause high blood pressure. If you have a high salt intake, water gets retained in your body and will aggravate your blood pressure problems. Foods that are high in salt include processed foods. Choose instead fresh fruits and vegetables and minimize salt when making soups and other dishes.
Aside from burning off excess fats, exercise also helps keep your heart and blood vessels healthy. In fact doing aerobic exercises for at least 30 minutes per day can do wonders. Together with proper diet, exercise is often enough to bring down your blood pressures to levels that do not need medications.
Limit Stress
When one is stressed, the body releases hormones that constrict blood vessels and cause the blood pressure to rise. Avoiding stressful events and learning relaxation techniques such as yoga can greatly help in reducing high blood pressure.