• Is Walking or Running Better to Lose Weight

    Most people know the quickest way to lose weight is to get your body moving. When your heart gets pumping through cardiovascular exercise, or cardio as it’s known, you give your diet efforts a boost in the right direction. While there are many forms of cardio including swimming, bicycling, aerobics and dance, many people focus ...
  • 5 Reasons Why Walking is Good for Your Health

    When you think of good exercises, you probably don’t think about walking, at least not at first. Instead, you probably think about more intense workouts like sprinting and weightlifting. However, walking is actually great exercise, even if it isn’t particularly intense. And here’s why… It Helps You Lose Weight Probably the number one reason why ...
  • How Many Calories Do You Burn Walking 10,000 Steps

    It’s a rule of thumb in the fitness community that you should be walking a minimum of 10,000 steps each and every day. And, while that’s a great goal to set, many people find themselves wondering just how many calories that burns. In general, 10,000 steps is equal to walking about five miles. This varies ...
  • Walking Vs Cycling Vs Running: Which Is Best

    One of the best ways to shed weight is through rigorous cardio. However, there are many different kinds of cardio that you can try, and it is difficult to know which kind of cardio is the best for losing weight, getting in shape, strengthening muscles, etc. In this article, you are going to see a ...
  • Does Walking Burn Fat

    If you’re trying to shed some extra pounds, you already know that it can be a real struggle to lose weight. However, there is some good news. Walking, an activity most people are already participating in each and every day, has full potential to help you burn fat. While most people think of exercise and ...
  • What Are the Most Effective Exercises

    Wondering how to get the most out of your workout? Some moves are definitely more effective than others, but figuring out which routine out of the thousands of options there are can be tough. It will vary depending on your capabilities, your goals, and how much time you have, but these moves can definitely make ...
  • 1836

    Once you’ve gotten to a weight where you feel happy, maintaining it is often the next big challenge. When you stop losing weight and you begin trying to close your deficit in order to find the right maintenance calorie goal for your body, it can get a little frustrating. However, just because you’ve met your ...
  • Is Walking As Healthy As Running

    If you’re looking for a way to get more active, you’re very likely going to consider walking as a way to burn calories. And, in fact, walking is a super effective way to burn calories, but how does it stack up against running? First and foremost, while running will definitely get your heart rate up ...
  • 1860

    Most of us are cursed with a sedentary job. If you find yourself sitting down all day or standing around with little to no movement, you can begin to be disheartened on your journey to a healthier and active lifestyle. However, even if you’re working 8 to 12 hours shifts at such a job, there ...
  • 1947

    Are you looking to lose your stubborn belly fat? You’re not alone. Out of all the “problem areas” people identify, the belly is definitely one of the most commonly disliked parts of the human body. In fact, even people who are at a healthy weight tend to struggle with this problem area because that “pooch” ...